Monday, August 1, 2011

CPD23 Week 4:Thing 5-Reflective Practice

Well, first just a little bit about reflective practice…..It’s a love/hate sort of thing for me. I hate to take the time—just never enough, but when I do it is so beneficial. As a teacher, there is nothing better than having a revelation while reflecting on a lesson. As I reflect on what I have learned so far doing The 23 Things, what comes to mind is that I enjoy trying new things like Twitter and Pushnote, but I need to find what works best for me. I want to be open to new/current tools, but at the same time take my own advice and set aside what doesn’t work so that I am not spinning my wheels and wasting time.  I feel a part of reflection should also include asking ourselves if we are having fun while we are learning. Are we enjoying the process?  I can answer that so far I have enjoyed using Twitter and seeing a different side of people I thought I knew pretty well. The other benefit is getting to know people I have not met and now will take the time to meet them at a state conference in the future.

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