Friday, August 26, 2011

CPD 23: Week 6 - Organizing Yourself

Thing 8
Google Calendar- I have just played around with Google Calendar and would love to be able to use this school-wide instead of the system we currently use. I love the features that Google offers and especially the ability to use it on my phone so I would not have to have a separate work and personal calendar.

Thing 9
Evernote- I have been using Evernote for over a year and absolutely love it. I only wish I had know about it when I went back to school a couple of years ago! I love the ability to access my documents, lists, ideas, pictures in one place, regardless of where I am working. Because I tend to forget more “stuff” these days, I love to just snap a picture of something I need to remember with my phone and send it to Evernote. I know that when I get home I have a reminder of everything I need to follow-up on. My friends made fun of me until I pointed out to them that in most cases you always have your phone with you so it is easy to keep your ideas more little sticky notes all over your desk!  I have two college age children and made sure they knew how to use it before they left for college as it is a wonderful time saver for students. This year I will be adding it to my lesson plans for my 8th graders, as it can be another valuable tool in their high school toolbox.

1 comment:

  1. I think that’s great that you will be teaching the 8th graders how to use Evernote. I haven’t been using it very long but I can see how it would be helpful for students to keep everything organized in one place. I also like the idea of sending stuff from your phone to Evernote. It seems like I’m always taking pictures of different things I want to buy or research before I buy. My current phone won’t work but hopefully in the next month or so I’ll have a new phone and be able to give this try.
