Monday, July 11, 2011

CPD23: Week 2: Online Presence

As I started this “Thing” I realized I had not given much thought to my brand so to speak. I spent some time trying to come up with a name for my blog and had made a list of names that I liked. When I went to make my blog I was disappointed that all the names on my list were taken….so I just picked something generic. Still wondering if my name needs to be connected so that it comes up in searches?

My blog is more about my professional identity, but I did add one of my favorite pictures that I took while biking and thought in the future I would add some of my quilts to give a better picture of both my professional and personal identity. I enjoy reading other blogs that show the complete person and it helps me connect with those that share more of their interests and ideas. When I searched my name I didn’t come up with much that surprised me except to see my home phone number all over the place even though my number is unlisted--so much for paying for an unlisted number!

Changes that I would make after doing this activity: I added my picture to my blog and will also add it as my identifier. I also like the idea of coming up with a consistent theme or visual to use for my blog, Twitter and school library page. After reading the ALA article about personal branding and a few of the links within the article I realize the importance of fine-tuning until we find what works best for each of us....I'm sure as I work through the 23 Things I will do just that!

1 comment:

  1. I'm like you in that I like blogs that somewhat mix personal with professional. Especially within a state like Nebraska it's a nice way to feel like you somewhat "know" other regional librarians even if you've never met them personally.
